Friday, 29 January 2010

Poole, Dorset

Hello, iv had a few days away from my blog, sorry if you missed me :) Iv got a different post for you today, a peak into my life if you will.....
Iv been down in Poole you see, i work for Lush Cosmetics they make lovely fresh handmade skincare and cosmetics not tested on animals and all are vegetarian or vegan products! i am really lucky that i do love my job, but anyway we went to Dorset and we had a managers meeting, we had a great time staying at the Haven Hotel in Sandbanks and had some barn dancing fun! very nice! I got some nice Pics so i thought id share with you!

Saturday, 23 January 2010


Yes thats right my little creations will now be featured in the lovely Glamshackle, a very cute little vintage boutique in Preston Lancashire owned by Helen Warner.

Heres a link to a lovely picture of just a little bit of Glamshackle on Facebook Im going to ask for permission to take some photographs of the shop so i can share the loveliness with you guys and tell you a bit more maybe :)

All the images on the previous post are what iv taken to Glamshackle except the little valentines brooch which is currently on Etsy in my shop :)

Iv been gallery browsing today and have some lovely pics for you, but first i must dash off and make the tea!
Ttfn xxxr

Friday, 22 January 2010

Craft craft crafting along...

Its almost time for sleep but i thought id post this quickly first..
Iv been sewing all day long getting some little creations ready to take to PAD gallery and Glamshackle boutique tomorrow, iv got a busy day ahead of me posting and delivering fascinators so im not sure ill get to blog tomorrow...ill try though!

Here are my little darlings of today, The first one is my very favourite!

And a little valentines treat...

Thats all for tonight folks

Thursday, 21 January 2010

Yesterdays creations!

I had lots of fun yesterday and today making a few little things :) some are available in my Etsy shop and some are reserved especally for PAD shop and gallery in Preston UK. Im going to be takng some more things in on Saturday.

Im also planning to approach a lovely little vintage boutique in Preston called Glamshackle, they have some beautiful vintage clothing and other one of a kind handmade items, looks like the perfect place for some fascinators!;) Im hoping they would like to have some of my creations to add to their lovely collection, so fingers crossed xx

I leave you this evening with my recent collection of goodies..enjoy x

Images also available on flickr

Wednesday, 20 January 2010

Craft Hope for Haiti

I just have to post about Craft Hope!
"Craft Hope is a faith-based, love inspired project designed to share handmade crafts with those less fortunate. It is our hope to combine our love for crafting and desire to help others into a project to make a difference around the world." (from the site)

It is so inspiring to see the love and generosity of the founders of Craft Hope. These kind people are giving up their free time (and more it seems) to bring Craft Hope for Haiti.

Thousands of creatives worldwide have been donating their handmade items to the Craft Hope for Haiti Etsy shop all proceeds too Doctors without borders.

Seemingly around $10.000 has already been raised please click on the link above and have a look at the site, they have so much information about Haiti and the endless other projects they are involved in it really is inspiring!
Iv sent in my own donation today, im hoping its not too late :)

Just a little Hopeful Fascinator.
$22.00  made for Craft Hope with all proceeds to Doctors without borders.

I really hope it gets in as i know the closing date is today for 2 weeks, i think its open untill the end of the day so im hopeful!

Please visit Craft Hope Etsy shop and give generously :)

Lots of love and well wishes

Tuesday, 19 January 2010

Flickr, my new photostream check it out :)

Yes thats right iv been a busy lady, i am the proud owner of a Flickr account Iv had lots of fun figuring it out and uploading and tagging and describing....phew im tired! Please have a little look and i will love you forever!
If you havnt seen my Etsy site check that out too, i love people stopping by my shop and browsing the 13 items i currently have on sale (hey iv only been at it a month, im not superwoman!)
I made a fascinator for my friend Susan today, she had a lovely pink dress all ready for a wedding she is attending, but she was missing something.... then she saw my little creations on Facebook and new she needed a lovely fascinator to complete her outfit :)
I finished it off today and now it is all packaged up ready to post tomorrow!
Ta ta for now lovelies xxxx
P.s (couldn't not show you the fascinator now could i?)
Here's her dress she bought and the fascinator i made to go with it......

Thursday, 14 January 2010

My new banner!

Well i finally figured out how to make a banner, turns out it was quite simple! Hope you like it :) Iv been busy working today but managed to find time to make a valentines love brooch! I really enjoyed making this little lovely!
Im not sure i can part with it ;)

Iv also been familiarising myself with the forums on etsy today, it was really lovely to speak to some other uk Etsians! I think Etsy is opening up a whole new world to me and my creativity!
Its just about time for my beauty sleep, so ill leave you here but ill be back soon.
Night night sleep tight

Wednesday, 13 January 2010

My first etsy sale!

Yesterday was my day off my day job, after a slow start to the day i began making the first in my line of valentines day creations. So it was all hearts, buttons and flowers for me!
 for my Etsy shop

At the moment im working by having all  of my fabric, buttons, beads and threads all around me and putting things next to each other to see what will work, i love sitting in the middle of my treasures and geting to work.
I have no studio at the moment so im working from my front room, you can imagine the mess!

Anyway i finished my little valentines treats for the evening and  put them in my Etsy shop, within about 3minutes i made my first Etsy sale, it was one of my hearts so i was really happy :)

I have to go to work today but ill be back this evening crafting more special valentines day lovelies!

Wednesday, 6 January 2010

Market day shopping!

Hello! I thought it was about time i updated my blog and actually try to keep updating it regularly, iv been very busy setting up my new etsy site, its getting there slowly! no sales so far but im staying optimistic, i know there are alot of things i need to add, like packaging pictures and better quality images! Im currently on the hunt for models as i think it will give a better representation of how my fascinators can be worn.

Iv recently started experimenting with jewelery, iv wanted to make jewelery for a long time then i got a kit for christmas! Im practicing with the beads i got in the kit at the moment but im in the process of thrifting for old beads and jewelery so i can remake them into beautiful pieces!

I visited the market yesterday and picked up some lovely little brooches, watch out for them appearing on fascinators real soon! I also picked up some beaded jewelery which im going to break down and remake.

I got talking to a lady stall holder and a fellow jewelery makerdown at the market, she was selling a variety of things including some of the brooches i bought, she told me about her stall in Lancaster in which she sells remade jewelery, she gave me some great advice about buying beads and tipped me off about the 50p stall further down the market! what a lovely lady ill be visiting her stall again next week!

This weeks finds....

More lovely handmade fascinators!